PhotoniQ Program Example (One Event) | This download includes a sample Microsoft Visual Studio project of an application that communicates with the PhotoniQ using the included DLL. An executable is also included to demonstrate a simple application that triggers the PhotoniQ and collects one data event. | PhotoniQ Example App V1.0.0 |
PhotoniQ Program Example (Multiple High Speed Events) | This download includes a sample Microsoft Visual Studio project of an application that communicates with the PhotoniQ using the included DLL. An executable is also included to demonstrate a complete application that triggers the PhotoniQ and collects a programmable number of high speed events. A description of the example program can be found here. | PhotoniQ Example App V2.0.0 |
PhotoniQ Log File Sample #1 | Included in this download are two files. The first is a sample of the raw binary file produced by the PhotoniQ when logging data to a PC. The second is a tab delimited text file that results from running the binary file through the Log File Converter supplied with the PhotoniQ GUI software. Text log files are best viewed using a spreadsheet applicaton such as Excel. Data was acquired using a PhotoniQ configured in Image mode, data filtering on, range bits on, and 17-bit data output format. All 32 channels were enabled and a test signal was input to channel 7 only. The file contains approximately 1000 samples. | logfilesample1 |
PhotoniQ Log File Sample #2 | This download is similar to the sample above except that the data was collected with the spectral filter off and the output data format set to 16-bit two's complement. The logfile timestamp is enabled and shows that the data was acquired at 1 KHz. | logfilesample2 |
PhotoniQ Log File Sample #3 | Similar to the two samples above, this download contains a binary log file and the associated text log file generated by the Log File Converter. The PhotoniQ acquisition mode was set to Display & Log with 8 channels enabled on bank 1 and 2 channels on bank 3. All other channels were disabled. Instead of the timestamp, the trigger stamp was enabled in the log file. | logfilesample3 |