Avalanche Photodiode Arrays

Avalanche photodiode arrays (APD arrays) are generally much smaller than multianode photomultiplier tubes but also have much less gain. APDs find applications in LIDAR, bioaerosol fluorescence detection, multispectral flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, and spectroscopy. They also have uses in high energy physics and particle position sensing. The list below features linear and two-dimensional (2D) APD arrays from Hamamatsu, First Sensor, Perkin Elmer, and Radiation Monitoring Devices (RMD). Available units range in size from 4 element 2 x 2 devices up to 64 element 8 x 8 devices.

Hamamatsu S8550
First Sensor ADLA169DIL18
Hamamatsu S8550 4 x 8 APD Array

S8550Two dimensional, 32 element (4 x 8) avalanche photodiode array with high sensitivity and low crosstalk. Applications include low light photometry, scintillator detector systems, and position systems.



Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB332
First Sensor 500038 Linear 16 Element APD Array

First Sensor 500038Linear 16 element high speed avalanche photodiode array of NIR enhanced type 16AA0.13-9. The device has high quantum efficiency, low noise, low crosstalk, and good uniformity between elements. Used in LIDAR, laser scanning detection, and particle sensing.



Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB216
Excelitas C30985E Linear 25 Element APD Array

Excelitas C30985ELinear 25 element silicon avalanche photodiode array with high quantum efficiency and fast response time. Typical applications include LIDAR, spectroscopy, particle detection, adaptive optics, and tracking systems. Also used in low-level fluorescence detection.


Pacific Silicon Sensor AD-LA-16-9 16 Element Array

Pacific Silicon Sensor AD-LA-16-9Linear 16 element high speed avalanche photodiode array. The device has high quantum efficiency, low noise, low crosstalk, and good uniformity between elements. Used in biomedical fluorescence detection, spectroscopy, laser scanning detection, and particle sensing.



Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB216
Radiation Monitoring Devices A6403 8 x 8 APD Array

Radiation Monitoring Devices A6403Two dimensional, 64 element (8 x 8) avalanche photodiode array with high gain and high quantum efficiency. Used in applications that include laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), bioaerosol fluorescence detection, LIDAR, high energy physics, and medical imaging.