Using the Hamamatsu E14340 with the Vertilon DAQXY504 | This brief application note describes how to connect the Vertilon DAQXY504 to a Hamamatsu E14340 Anger logic readout board. A typical setup is described for the H12700 8 x 8 multianode PMT. Configuration of the various timing signals is also explained. | AN3331 |
Using the Hamamatsu S13615-1050N-08 with a Vertilon PhotoniQ DAQ | This application note describes the setup of a silicon photomultiplier array and a Vertilon data acquisition system in an application involving randomly arriving, short duration, optical events. The example shows how to interface the Hamamatsu S13615-1050N-08 8 x 8 silicon photomultiplier array to a Vertilon PhotoniQ IQSP582 charge integrating 64 channel data acquisition system. The Hamamatsu SiPM array is mounted to a Vertilon SIB1064 sensor interface board. This board is connected to the IQSP582 DAQ which is in turn connected to a computer. A small fiber provides the UV light event to the array. Data is collected by the DAQ and displayed in the graphical user interface for each trigger from the SIB1064. | AN3330 |
Coincidence Detection using the Broadcom AFBR-S4N44P163 4 x 4 SiPM Array and the Vertilon SIB916 Sensor Interface Board | A setup is described that uses two Broadcom AFBR-S4N44P163 4 x 4 silicon photomultiplier arrays and the coincidence detectors on the Vertilon SIB916 sensor interface boards. The example shows how to interface the two arrays to a Vertilon PhotoniQ IQSP580 32 channel charge integrating DAQ in a system that only acquires coincidence events. The Broadcom SiPM arrays are each mounted to Vertilon SIB916 sensor interface boards. The boards are connected to the IQSP580 DAQ which is in turn connected to a computer. Data is collected by the DAQ and displayed in the graphical user interface for each coincidence trigger from the SIB916. | AN3329 |
Scintillation Light Detection with a Broadcom AFBR-S4N44P163 SiPM Array and a Vertilon PhotoniQ DAQ | An LYSO scintillator cube provides a source of randomly occurring scintillation light when situated near a cesium 137 check disk. The light is detected with a Broadcom AFBR-S4N44P163 4 x 4 silicon photomultiplier array that is mounted to a Vertilon SIB916 sensor interface board. The SIB916 generates a trigger to a Vertilon IQSP580 charge integrating data acquisition system every time the detected light crosses a user-defined energy threshold. Signals from all 16 channels from the SiPM array are independently collected by the DAQ, displayed in the graphical user interface, and stored on a computer. | AN3328 |
Using the Ketek PA3325-WB-0808 with a Vertilon PhotoniQ DAQ | This application note describes a good starting point for setting up a silicon photomultiplier array and a Vertilon data acquisition system in a PET system. The example shows how to interface the Ketek PA3325-WB-0808 8 x 8 silicon photomultiplier array to a Vertilon PhotoniQ IQSP582 charge integrating 64 channel data acquisition system. The Ketek SiPM array is mounted to a Vertilon SIB864 sensor interface board. This board is connected to the IQSP582 DAQ which is in turn connected to a computer. A single 3 x 3 x 10 mm LYSO crystal is attached to the SiPM array. The internal decay of the crystal is detected by the SIB864 which then generates a trigger signal to the data acquisition system. Data is collected by the DAQ and displayed in the graphical user interface for each trigger from the SIB864. | AN3327 |
Silicon Photomultiplier Readout | Techniques for silicon photomultiplier readout | AN3326 |
Photomultiplier Tube Readout | Techniques for photomultiplier tube readout | AN3325 |
PhotoniQ: Data Acquisition Modes | Essential reading for the user who wishes to understand how to use PhotoniQ multichannel data acquisition systems in scanned imaging applications such as confocal microscopy, and particle analysis applications like bioaersol detection and flow cytometry. The application note provides a detailed description on how the PhotoniQ acquires data and provides a context for understanding some of its performance specifications. | AN3320 |
PhotoniQ: Data Processing Architecture | The data processing architecture of PhotoniQ data acquisition systems is described in this application note. The document provides an overview of the parallel architecture of the digitization and hardware signal processing functions and a brief description of the operation of the on-board DSP. This note is a good starting point for users who wish to get a basic understanding of the capabilities of the PhotoniQ product line. | AN3317 |
PhotoniQ: Triggering & Integration | A primer on the trigger and integration modes of the PhotoniQ, this application note includes descriptions and illustrations for each of the PhotoniQ's powerful triggering modes and how they relate to the integration parameters. | AN3318 |
PhotoniQ: Speed and Throughput | This document describes some of the specifications governing the data acquisition speed and data transfer speed of the PhotoniQ. The terms minimum event pair resolution (MEPR), maximum trigger rate (MTR), and sustained average event rate (SAER) are defined. A short discussion on event buffer sizing is also given. | AN3316 |
Accessing PhotoniQ Events Using Windows Messaging | Large quantities of high speed events from the PhotoniQ are accessed with the provided DLL using Windows messaging. This document is used in conjunction with the Microsoft Visual Studio example program which can be downloaded here. | AN3323 |
Hamamatsu R2486 PMT Readout | Describes two configurations for connecting a Hamamatsu R2486 crossed wire anode PMT to a Vertilon PhotoniQ data acquisition system. | AN3324 |
Using a PhotoniQ in a PET Scanner | Provides a short description of how to setup a PhotoniQ data acquisition system in a custom PET scanner using silicon photomultipliers and multianode PMTs. | AN3321 |
Using a PhotoniQ in a DNA Sequencer | Provides a short description of how to setup a PhotoniQ data acquisition system in a DNA sequencer using multianode PMTs. | AN3322 |