Position Sensitive Multianode Photomultiplier Tubes (PS-PMT)

Position sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PS-PMT) are mostly used in particle sensing applications such as nuclear particle detection systems where a scintillation crystal is placed in front of the PS-PMT. Typical applications include gamma ray imaging, positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), angular light scattering and radiation monitors. Several manufacturers like Hamamatsu, Burle, and Photonis offer two dimensional PS-PMTs in 4 element 2 x 2 configurations, up to 256 element 16 x 16 configurations.

Hamamatsu H12445 4 x 4 MAPMT
Hamamatsu H12445Square 16 channel (4 x 4) high speed, cathode sensitivity, and quantum efficiency. Used in high energy physics and radiation imaging.
Hamamatsu H8711 4 x 4 MAPMT
H8711Square 16 channel (4 x 4) high speed PS-PMT with low crosstalk. Used in positioning, particle sizing, and angular light scattering applications.




Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB116A
Hamamatsu H12428 8 x 8 MAPMT
H12428Square 64 channel (8 x 8) high speed response and high cathode sensitivity. Used in high energy physics and radiation imaging.




Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB164B
Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB164B-1018
Hamamatsu H7546B 8 x 8 MAPMT
H7546BSquare 64 channel (8 x 8) high speed PS-PMT with low crosstalk. Used in particle sizing, particle shape imaging, PET, SPECT, and angular light scattering applications.




Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB164B
Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB164B-1018
Hamamatsu H12700B 8 x 8 MAPMT
H12700BSquare 64 channel (8 x 8) fast time response PS-PMT with small dead space between elements and high quantum efficiency. Applications include gamma ray telescope, compact gamma cameras, and two dimensional radiation monitoring.




Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B
Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B-1018
Hamamatsu H10966B 8 x 8 MAPMT
H10966BSquare 64 channel (8 x 8) fast time response PS-PMT with small dead space between elements. Applications include small animal imaging, compact gamma cameras, two dimensional radiation monitoring, and scinti-mammography.




Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B
Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B-1018
Hamamatsu H8500D 8 x 8 MAPMT
H8500DSquare 64 channel (8 x 8) fast response PS-PMT with small dead space between elements. Applications include PET, SPECT, gamma imaging, two dimensional radiation monitoring, scinti-mammography, and particle shape imaging.




Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B
Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B-1018
Hamamatsu H8500C 8 x 8 MAPMT
H8500CSquare 64 channel (8 x 8) fast response multianode photomultiplier tube with small dead space between elements. Identical to H8500D except includes the high voltage cable for the PMT bias voltage.




Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B
Compatible Vertilon Interface Board: SIB064B-1018
Hamamatsu H9500 16 x 16 MAPMT
H9500Square 256 channel (16 x 16) fast response multianode photomultiplier tube with small dead space between elements. Applications include gamma imaging, two dimensional radiation monitoring, scinti-mammography, and particle shape imaging.




Hamamatsu H13700 16 x 16 MAPMT

Square 256 channel (16 x 16) fast response multianode photomultiplier tube with small dead space between elements. Applications include gamma imaging, two dimensional radiation monitoring, scinti-mammography, and particle shape imaging.




Photonis XP85012 Planacon 8 x 8 MAPMT
XP8501253 mm square 64 channel (8 x 8) microchannel plate multianode photomultiplier tube with large active area. Applications include specialized medical imaging, Cherenkov counters, RICH, TOF, TOP, DIRC, high energy physics, homeland security.




Photonis XP85112 Planacon 8 x 8 MAPMT
XP8511253 mm square 64 channel (8 x 8) microchannel plate multianode photomultiplier tube with large active area. Applications include specialized medical imaging, Cherenkov counters, RICH, TOF, TOP, DIRC, high energy physics, homeland security.
Hamamatsu R2486 16 x 16 Crossed Wire Anode PSPMT
R2486-02Large diameter 16 x 16 crossed wire anode PS-PMT for nuclear medicine and high energy physics.




Hamamatsu R8520 6 x 6 Cross Plate Anode PSPMT
R8520High speed 6(X) plus 6(Y) cross plate anode PS-PMT used in scintillation mammography, positron emission tomography (PET), and gamma cameras.